The Board of Commissioners of Delaware County consists of three elected people who serve together much like a city mayor but do so primarily over the unincorporated areas of the County. The County Commissioners are responsible for the administration of County business and may enact ordinances and resolutions as established by state law. In addition to performing executive duties, the County Commissioners also exercise many of the legislative powers and duties of the county.
General Powers and Duties of the Board of Commissioners of Delaware County
The Board of Commissioners of Delaware County consists of three elected people who serve together much like a city mayor but have powers over the unincorporated areas of the County. They are the executive and legislative body of the county. The County Commissioners are responsible for the administration of County business and may enact ordinances and resolutions as established by state law.
Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners
of Delaware County
The County Commissioners are responsible for all County property, which includes the Delaware County Building, Jail, County Highway Department, and Fairgrounds. They receive bids for work and authorize all County contracts. The 860 miles of roads in Delaware County are also their responsibility to repair, maintain, and construct. The County Commissioners provide County zoning and planning and control housing and building regulations. The County commissioners serve on the Drainage Board and the E.D.I.T. Board and the Stromwater Utility Board.
Term and Districts
Each of the Commissioners is elected from a separate district in which they must reside, but are voted upon by all voters throughout the County. Commissioner districts must be redrawn at least once every 10 years and may be redrawn in any odd-numbered year. The County Commissioners serve four-year terms on a staggered basis.
Indiana law requires that the Board of Commissioners hold regular monthly meetings. The Board of Commissioners of Delaware County meets on the first and third Mondays of each month (except for holidays) at 9:00 am in the Commissioners' Courtroom, third floor of the County Building on 100 West Main Street, Muncie, Indiana.
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