Delaware County, Indiana

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Veterans' Service Office

The Delaware County Veterans Service Office provides the following services:

Provides service to veterans in the following areas:

  • Health:  benefits and services
  • Compensation and pension benefits
  • Home loan - guaranty services
  • Education benefits
  • Life insurance programs
  • Vocational rehab and employment services
  • Burial and memorial benefits
  • Appeals - Board of Veteran Appeals

Beginning April 1, 2001, veterans can apply for benefits and healthcare using the Internet.  To apply for healthcare, veterans may fill out a 10-10-EZ application and email it to a VA healthcare facility.  VA employees register the data, print the form, and mail it back to the veteran for signature.  Veterans can also print out the completed form and mail it to a VA healthcare facility themselves.

Veterans' online application lets veterans apply for compensation, pension, and vocational rehabilitation benefits.  Completed applications are sent electronically to the local VA office.  Processing begins right away and veterans receive a response giving the status of their applications.  Forms are individually encrypted, ensuring the privacy of veterans' personal data.

In addition to online applications, VA has redesigned its website to make it easier to find information.  VA aims to eventually put all its healthcare and benefits applications online.  Click here to download other VA applications.

If you have any questions regarding these services, please contact the Delaware County Veterans Service Office at 765.747.7810 or visit the Delaware County Veterans Service Office Website.