During the Month of March, the Health Department is having a canned food drive for the New Norm, a shelter that provides overnight warming and meals for the homeless in Delaware County. The New Norm stands out for its inclusive policy, welcoming individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.
The New Norm (local homeless shelter) expressed a need for assistance due to a shortage of canned goods. To address this, the DCHD is organizing a collection drive at the health department, county building, and justice center.
The boxes are currently located in the lobby at the County Building, the second floor of the Health Department, and the Probation and Court Administration Offices at the Justice Center.
If everyone contributes one or two items collectively, we can make a positive impact.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions/suggestions. Thank you,
Erica S. Brannon, BSW
Community Health Worker
Delaware County Health Department
125 N. Mulberry St. Muncie, IN 47305
Direct: 765-213-1265
Office: 765-747-7721 ext: 757
E-mail: ebrannon@co.delaware.in.us