Delaware County, Indiana

Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity

1998 Delaware County General Profile
(Source:  US Census Bureau)

Population - total, 1997 117,625
Population - total, 1990 119,659
Population - total, 1980 128,587
Population - percent change, 1990 to 1997 -1.7
Population - percent change, 1980 to 1990 -6.9
Population - white, 1996 109,610
Population - percent white, 1996 92.4
Population - black, 1996 7,885
Population - percent black, 1996 6.6
Population - American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut, 1996 288
Population - percent American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut, 1996 0.2
Population - Asian or Pacific Islander, 1996 817
Population - percent Asian or Pacific Islander, 1996 0.7
Population - Hispanic (may be of any race), 1996 1,106
Population - percent Hispanic (may be of any race), 1996 0.9
Population - under 5 years, 1996 6,989
Population - 5 to 14 years, 1996 13,839
Population - 65 years and over, 1996 15,206
Vital statistics (NCHS) - births, 1994 1,438
Vital statistics (NCHS) - births per 1000 resident population, 1994 12.1
Vital statistics (NCHS) - deaths, 1994 1,128
Vital statistics (NCHS) - deaths per 1000 resident population, 1994 9.5
Vital statistics (NCHS) - infant deaths, 1994 10
Vital statistics (NCHS) - infant deaths per 1000 live births, 1994 7
Public school enrollment (NCES) - number, fall 1994-1995 18,057
Public school enrollment (NCES) - number, fall 1991-1992 18,390
Educational attainment - percent persons 25 years and over high school graduates, 1990 74.5
Educational attainment - percent persons 25 years and over college  graduates, 1990 16.5
Local government finances - per capita property taxes (dollars), 1992 490
Federal funds and grants - per capita expenditures and obligations  (dollars), 1997 3,748
Federal funds and grants - per capita expenditures and obligations  (dollars), 1990 2,464
Social security (SSA) - total benefit recipients, 1996 21,218
Social security (SSA) - total benefit recipients, 1990 20,195
Supplemental security income (SSA) - total recipients, 1996 2,779
Supplemental security income (SSA) - total recipients, 1990 1,742
Civilian labor force (BLS) - number, 1996 62,791
Civilian labor force (BLS) - number, 1990 58,367
Civilian labor force (BLS) - unemployment rate, 1996 4.6
Civilian labor force (BLS) - unemployment rate, 1990 5.6
Personal income (BEA) - total ($1000), 1994 2,299,623
Personal income (BEA) - total ($1000), 1990 1,883,301
Personal income (BEA) - per capita (dollars), 1994 19,285
Personal income (BEA) - per capita (dollars), 1990 15,737
Money income - median household income (dollars), 1993 28,923
Money income - median household income (dollars), 1989 24,436
Poverty - percent persons below poverty, 1993 16.4
Poverty - percent persons below poverty, 1989 16.7
Commercial banks and savings institutions (FDIC-insured) - number of office, 1997 44
Commercial banks and savings institutions (FDIC-insured) - total deposits ($1000), 1995 1,239,027
Private nonfarm establishments - total, 1995 2,753
Private nonfarm establishments - net change, 1990 to 1995 156
Private nonfarm establishments - percent retail trade, 1995 27.1
Private nonfarm establishments - percent services, 1995 34.9
Private nonfarm establishments - paid employees, 1995 49,968
Private nonfarm establishments - average annual payroll per paid employee (dollars), 1995


New private housing units authorized by building permits - total, 1997 289
New private housing units authorized by building permits - total, 1990 258
New private housing units authorized by building permits - valuation  ($1000), 1997 35,102
New private housing units authorized by building permits - valuation  ($1000), 1990 20,414
Retail trade - per capita retail sales (dollars), 1992 7,323