Delaware County, Indiana

Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity

1996 Delaware County General Profile
(Source:  US Census Bureau)

  Total resident population:                          
1995 118,577
      Percent 65 years and over 13.4
1990 119,659
1980 128,587
  Occupied housing units, 1990 45,177
    Percent owner occupied 66.8
BIRTHS AND DEATHS (National Center for Health Statistics)   
  Births, 1993 1,409
    Per 1,000 resident population 11.8
    Percent to mothers under 20 years of age 15.6
  Deaths, 1993 1,184
    Per 1,000 resident population 9.9
  Infant deaths per 1,000 live births, 1993 12.8
EDUCATION (Bureau of the Census)                            
  Persons 25 years and over, 1990 70,609
    Percent high school graduates 74.5
    Percent college graduates 16.5
LABOR FORCE (Bureau of Labor Statistics)                    
  Civilian labor force, 1994 65,855
    Percent unemployed 5.4
PRIVATE NONFARM ESTABLISHMENTS (Bureau of the Census)       
  Total establishments, 1993 2,700
    Percent retail trade 25.4
    Percent services 36.3
  Paid employees, 1993 (pay period including March 12) 44,967
  Annual payroll, 1993 ($1,000) 1,019,040
PERSONAL INCOME (Bureau of Economic Analysis)               
  Total personal income, 1993 ($1,000) 2,184,342
    Per capita (dollars) 18,292
AGRICULTURE (Bureau of the Census)                          
  Number of farms, 1992 688
    Land in farms as percent of total land 67
RETAIL TRADE (Bureau of the Census)                         
  Retail sales, 1992 ($1,000) 874,850
    Per capita (dollars) 7,317
  Number of offices, June 30, 1994 40
    Total deposits ($1,000) 865,727
SOCIAL PROGRAMS (Social Security Administration)            
  Total Social Security recipients, December 1993 21,095
    Retired workers 12,670
  Supplementary Security Income recipients, December 1994 2,598
FEDERAL FUNDS AND GRANTS (Bureau of the Census)             
  Total direct expenditures or obligations per capita:      
    1994 (dollars) 3,458
    1990 (dollars) 2,464